Eastern Ontario OECTA Collective Agreement: An Overview

The Ontario English Catholic Teachers` Association (OECTA) represents teachers in the Catholic school boards of Ontario. In Eastern Ontario, OECTA negotiates the collective agreement on behalf of its members.

The most recent collective agreement between Eastern Ontario Catholic teachers and their school boards was ratified in 2019 and will remain in effect until August 31, 2022. The agreement covers several important topics that affect teachers` working conditions, compensation, and benefits.

Working Conditions

The collective agreement outlines several provisions related to teachers` working conditions. These include:

– Class size: The agreement establishes class size limits for different grade levels and subject areas. For example, classes in grades 4-8 are limited to 29 students, while secondary school classes in core subjects are limited to 24 students.

– Preparation time: Teachers are entitled to a certain amount of preparation time each week, depending on their teaching load. For example, teachers who teach five classes per day are entitled to 225 minutes of preparation time per week.

– Professional development: The agreement provides for professional development opportunities for teachers, including a Professional Activity Day each year.


The collective agreement also outlines the compensation that teachers can expect. This includes:

– Salary: Teachers` salaries are based on a salary grid that takes into account their years of experience and education level. The salary grid is subject to regular increases over the life of the agreement.

– Benefits: Teachers are entitled to a range of benefits, including health and dental coverage, life insurance, and long-term disability coverage.

– Retirement: The agreement provides for a defined benefit pension plan for eligible teachers.

Other Provisions

The collective agreement also includes several other provisions, such as:

– Job security: The agreement includes provisions for job security, including layoff and recall procedures.

– Grievance procedures: The agreement sets out a procedure for resolving disputes between teachers and their school boards.

– Leave provisions: The agreement includes provisions for various types of leaves, such as parental leave, sick leave, and bereavement leave.


The Eastern Ontario OECTA Collective Agreement is an important document that outlines the rights and responsibilities of Catholic teachers in the region. By negotiating a collective agreement with their school boards, teachers are able to ensure that their working conditions, compensation, and benefits are fair and adequate. As a result, teachers are better able to focus on their primary goal: providing high-quality education to their students.