As a professional, I can tell you that a s106 agreement is a legal document that is often required as part of the planning permission process in the UK. It is used to ensure that developers provide certain amenities or financial contributions to the local community in exchange for permission to build on a certain piece of land.

So, what does a s106 agreement look like? Well, it can vary depending on the specific requirements of the local authority and the proposed development. However, there are some common elements that can be found in most s106 agreements.

Firstly, the agreement will identify the land and property that is the subject of the planning permission. It will also outline the specific conditions that the developer is required to meet in order to comply with the agreement.

These conditions can include things like the provision of affordable housing, the payment of financial contributions to the local authority, the creation of new community facilities, or the improvement of existing infrastructure such as roads or public transport.

In terms of the financial contributions that may be required, the s106 agreement will usually set out the amount that the developer is required to pay. This can be a fixed amount or a percentage of the value of the development, and it may be paid upfront or in instalments over a certain period of time.

The agreement will also specify the timeline for the completion of any required works, as well as the consequences of failing to meet these requirements. This can include penalties or even the revocation of planning permission.

Overall, a s106 agreement is a complex legal document that is designed to ensure that developers provide benefits to the local community in exchange for the right to build on a certain piece of land. If you are involved in the planning process, it is important to understand the requirements of such agreements and to ensure that you comply fully with their terms.